Sunday, 23 February 2014

22nd February 2014


22nd Feb 2014 Griffin Inn

Yesterday I went along to the Griffin Inn Venue with Bedworth Dog Training for their outdoor training! atmosphere was calm and the weather was more on our side yesterday too which lighten everyone's day!
Again I used a range of cameras, an OLYMPUS E-410, a Nikon D3000 and Pentax istD L2, I am still in  th process of changing the images on the pentax from RAW to JPEG
Here are a few from yesterday... 

Three above are taken on the OLYMPUS
The images below are taken from my Nikon D3000

remember donations to Leicester Animal Aid Kennel would be much appreciated!
thank you

21st February 2014

21st Feb 2014 Bermuda Phoenix Centre

I used a range of cameras for this shoot, Olympus E-410 , Nikon D3000 and Pentax istD L2.
However I'm currently swapping images I took on the Pentax over from RAW to JPEG as I can not view the images on my windows laptop, I don't know the reason at the moment but once I have that sorted I will be adding them to this!
Anyway, As always the atmosphere was amazingly calm and every dog and owner seemed to be enjoying themselves. The staff took up one of the customers request and that was to introduction to the staff and other customers, which went down very well and with that more conversations between customers and staff started to emerge!
These are just a few I took, I hope you enjoy !!!

The four above are taken with the Olympus!

The Six Photographs above are taken with my Nikon D3000
remember Donations towards Leicester Animal Aid new kennel would be much appreciated
thank you

Donations for Leicester Animal Aid Kennel !!!!

Hello, everyone!

yesterday I was discussing different ideas with a few different members of the club and together we came up with the idea of Photographs in exchanged for Donations.

So what I will be asking from now on is if I have taken a photograph of your dog and you would like a copy of it, you will need to make a donation towards the new kennel sponsorship at Leicester Animal Aid which Bedworth Dog Training Club are supporting! £3 - £5 maximum size A4

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Griffin Inn 15th February 2014 - Outdoor Training

Today didn't go to plan unfortunately! Half way through my camera failed on me and I was unable to continue, my camera had a message come up every time I clicked the button which was 'error please press shutter again' I did and the message repeatedly come on the screen. I then tried to change some settings to see if I could fix the problem but the camera wouldn't let me change anything at all, I did every thing you can possibly think of, it just wouldn't work again after that! However I'm not stuck for a camera as a friend is allowing me to borrow one of theirs to complete my project! I did get some images this morning and here are a few of them, I used a Nikon D3000 ISO 200, Shutter Speed 1/200 Aperture f8!

Bermuda Phoenix Centre 14th February 2014 - Valentines Day

Friday was a success!

I've been having trouble with my camera indoors with it not allowing enough light in or the images are grainy! However with a few changes to my settings I've managed to get some good images! I used a Nikon D3000, ISO 800, shutter speed 1/30 and aperture f4.5! It was a little complicated at first because I was struggling to get a good spot with the space available to take these shots, I managed to get round that and I'm happy with these images after all the difficulties indoors!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Friday night

The last few times that I have attempted photographing indoor training in action hasn't gone to plan! So tomorrow night it will be indoor training at The Bermuda Phoenix Centre Nuneaton, the lighting at this venue is a lot better than the lighting at the Wilnecote Training.

So I'm hoping that if I open my aperture to the widest it can be and have quite a slow shutter speed on a tripod with the ISO set at 400-800 or maybe higher, I will be able to get some decent shots of the training in action rather than posed!

The reason I don't want posed images is because dog training isn't posed, it's active and enjoyable and that's what I want to capture, plus you don't see posed images on leaflets or posters about dog training! If I was to do some posed images it would just look to fake and obvious and that's not something I enjoy doing myself!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Wilnecote Training

Last night didn't go to plan as such!

I had planned to takes some more images of the Training but this time at Wilnecote Tamworth, however my camera was not allowing enough light into the camera to get any decent images, the images turned out grainy, blurred and of course too dark. so I'm afraid no images this week of Monday's training!

How I plan to get over this by next Monday:
  1. I will take multiple cameras : e.g. point and shoot, DLSR cameras ect...
  2. Take some with my Phone camera
  3. use flash and hope for the best
  4. tripod, I can keep the camera still, therefore I can have the camera on the slowest shutter speed it needs!
By doing this I hope to have a successful shoot next Monday!

Saturday, 8 February 2014



As I Mentioned previously, I wanted to put together a questionnaire for the members at Bedworth Dog Training Club so I could get the member's view of the club! I have since put a questionnaire together and in the process of handing out questionnaire's to all members of Bedworth Dog Training Club at all venues!

so far I have received two questionnaire's back and so far all positive's and no negatives! hopefully it will continue in that way!

Bedworth Dog Training Club Griffin Inn Venue!

Today I went along to Bedworth Dog Training Club's Griffin Inn Venue! This is held every Saturday from 10:30am til 11:30am and the price, well it is completely donations, so whatever the member can afford on that day, even if it's 10p Bedworth Dog Training will train your dog! The Environment is Perfect for outdoor training because it's nice and open but limited on places for any dog to run out of the Venue, however no dog is allowed to train off lead if they have not got a really good recall, this means if the dog is not trusted to come back if called! Also this type of venue is brilliant for dogs who are either nervous or have aggression issues that need to be addressed! 8 Members of the public braved the awful wind this morning to get another session of training in for their dog(s) The Overall Atmosphere was quite literally perfect, despite the weather, everyone looked happy and so did the dogs!
Here's some of the photo's I took today at the venue!